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Taylor & Bryce

One swipe changed our life...

Our story starts on a chilly November night in 2020. It was November 21st and I was visiting a friend. While there for the weekend, she convinced me to set up a dating profile on a Christian app she had used. I was against the idea from the start but she kept telling me "All you have to do is like one person! If you hate it after giving it a shot, you can delete it." For a full 24 hours, I was on and off the app seeing if there were any guys that caught my eye. I've always been picky, so I had a process in place on the app to see if 1) their faith bio seemed genuine 2) their general bio mentioned things we had in common, and 3) if they were cute. When Bryce's pr

ofile popped up, I decided he would be worth my one like on this app. I told myself I wouldn't like anyone else on the app and if we talked and it didn't work out, I would delete the app. Our conversation started with football and then developed into our faith stories, background, and what we envisioned for the future. I was shocked at how easy it was to text him and how we never seemed to run out of things to say. After a month of texting, we started Facetiming and talking on the phone every night. We laughed, had deep conversations, and encouraged each other when life was hard. In February he decided to come visit for Valentine's Day and his birthday. It snowed every day he was here, but we made the most of it. He officially asked me to be his girlfriend and then we started our journey of long distance. While it was challenging, Bryce moved to be near me in April 2022 and we enjoyed being close and living life together. On July 22nd, 2022, Bryce popped the question and asked me to marry him,

and on April 15 2023 we got married! We have upward to thank and I can’t imagine living my life with anyone else.



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